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FCE Meeting reports

Posted on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:00 am


Fairview FCE Club met on April 17 at the UT Extension Office. President Sandra Smith opened the meeting. Betty Brown read the Call to order. The devotion was given by Debbie Perryman.

The Educational Lesson was given by Whitney Danhof. “The Power of Play,” began with the question, is play only for children? The answer was no. Play for adults has benefits such as literacy, motor skills, social skills, etc. A questionnaire each member completed helped reflect their current play personality.

Reading Certificates were awarded to Sandra Smith, Mary Frances Gordon, Cindy Parker, Susie Armstrong, Patsy Parker, Betty Brown and Linda Lovell for the 2023/2024 year.

Ribbons were awarded to each member for 100% attendance for the 2023/2024 year.

The roll call answering the question, “What is one thing that makes you happy?” Was answered by 16 members.

The treasurer’s report, sunshine report, and club hours, donations and goals accomplished were reported and recorded by Debbie Perryman.

Planning for Share Fair on June 25, 6 p.m. at the Extension Office continued. The red, white, and blue theme for this year was discussed. Emma Montgomery and Debbie Perryman volunteered to lead the club’s entry and presentation.

Gay Ervin, Mary Frances Gordon, Barbara Troxler and Donna Allen will be going to Leadership Retreat (camp), May 21-23 at UT Southern in Pulaski.

Plans for two workdays were discussed. Everyone agreed on a soup kitchen workday for one, and children’s underwear and sock day for number day. Dates will be decided later.

Club Member Demonstrations:

  • Mary Frances Gordon, M & M flowers.
  • Carolyn Jones, old picture of FCE members at camp.

The meeting was adjourned by President Sandra Smith. The next meeting is May 15, 10:30 a.m., at the Extension Office.

Four Corners met on April 21 at the Extension Office with nine members present.

President Tammy Brown called the meeting to order.  Connie Smith read the poem “Buttercups and Daisies” and gave the devotion. Louise Armstrong gave the treasurer’s report and it was voted to send $100 to help a student pay for 4-H camp.

Whitney Danhof, the extension agent, reported that 415 lbs. of food were donated for Food Awareness Week.

Other business included CVU hours are due by May 15. Share Fair is scheduled for June 25. Each club is responsible for preparing a presentation incorporating red, white and blue.  Miriam Pietkiewicz and Sally McReynolds volunteered to share for our club.

Danhof gave an interesting and fun program titled “what is your play personality?” Members answered questions giving point values to each one. After tallying the points our play personality was revealed.

Club member demonstrations included a retailored sweatshirt by Pietkiewicz and a beaded ornament by Smith.

The Town & Country FACE club met at Cannon United Methodist Church on Monday, April 8, 2024 at 11 a.m. Eight members answered the roll call.

President Janet Boyce called the meeting to order and Janelle Douglas gave the devotion. Whitney Danhof gave the lesson on the Power of Play.

Jane Lile took the roll call and read the minutes of the previous meeting, which we Club goals were reviewed and upcoming events outlined. This year’s Share Fair planning was continued in keeping with a theme of red, white and blue. The Leadership Retreat deadlines were discussed.

Janet Boyce brought a lot of things to share: a child’s quilt featuring a horse, a baby quilt, a hole-punched Christmas tree made from sheet music, winter wonderland snowmen ornaments, a finished ministocking and a finished needlepoint love tree. Janelle Douglas shared two Tea for Two mats.

The meeting was adjourned at noon. The next meeting will be at the church on Monday, May 13, 2024.