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FCE Reports

Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 10:00 am

Cindi Lindsey displayed five crocheted Harry Potter amigurumi characters.

Butler’s Creek FCE Report

Fifteen members of Butler’s Creek FCE club and three visitors met at the Extension office on March 11, at 6 p.m. (Visitors were Jo Ann Fann, Donetta Hurt and Carol Morris of Heart of the Home FCE club). Hostesses for the evening were Susie Henderson, Brenda Gregory and Vicky Faulkner.

The meeting was opened by President Vicky Faulkner with the poem “Buttercups and Daisies.”    Inspired by the lunar eclipse and springtime, Carol Magnuson gave a devotion entitled “God’s Artwork.”  Members and visitors responded to the roll call by telling one thing that makes you happy. The March minutes were read by Cindi Lindsey, the treasurer’s report was given by Debbie Crosslin, and the Sunshine report was given by Brenda Gregory.  All were approved as presented.

New business:

Vicky also reviewed attendance and how to make up missed meetings enabling us to maintain our Master Club status.

Award ribbons were presented for 100% attendance to 12 of our members and 7 members received reading certificates.

The June and July community service projects were discussed.

The program was given by Whitney Danhoff who led members into discovering what their “play personality” is.

Upcoming Events:                                                                                                                                          

Whitney Danhoff will give a “Dining with Diabetes” workshop to be held April 16, 23 and 30 at 10:00 am.   Whitney will also present a “canning college” workshop at First Methodist Church in June.

May is FCE’s Marathon month, so tie on your walking shoes and start burning off calories.  Walking that will count towards May Marathon miles is done beyond any daily walking around the house that you do.


Susie Henderson showed her first place ribbon for bowling in Senior Olympics!

Cindi Lindsey displayed five crocheted Harry Potter amigurumi characters.

Vicky Faulkner closed the meeting with a lovely thought: “Be like the daisies, little rays of sunshine, bringing warmth and happiness wherever they go.”

Liberty FCE

Liberty FCE met on April 15. Judy Smith presided over the meeting. She read the Garden Hint. Debbie Parker read the call to order “Buttercups and Daisies.” Ann Spencer had the devotion. Minutes were read and approved. There were two members from Butler’s Creek present. Sunshine report—Judy Smith has birthday. Bonnye Catron gave the county council report. Some 415 pounds of food were given to Good Samaritan. Share Fair will be June 25 at 6 p.m. Each club will have a table to show the theme “Red, White, and Blue.” Bedford County Fair will be July 22 to 27. Whitney Danhoff gave the education lesson “Power of Play.” Everyone needs to play. The progress helps you to discern what you like to do. Dorris Turrentine brought an apron that her daughter made over 30 years ago. Leadership Training is April 24. Judy Smith read the adjournment. The nest meeting is May 20.

Wheel FCE

Wheel FCE met on April 11 at noon. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. In attendance were Jerry Sue, Peggie, Tina, Janet, John, and Whitney Danhoff. Peggy gave the devotional and they all discussed the joyful events that make us happy. They also discussed how to document the community’s activities. Upcoming events include the “Share Fair” on June 25 and the theme is “red, White, and Blue.” Whitney presented a program of the importance of the health of old age people learning to relax and to enjoy playful activities. Their next meeting is May 9.