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March FCE Meetings

Posted on Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 8:00 am


Heart of the Home FCE

The Heart of the Home FCE club met March 19 at 5:00 p.m. prior to the Countywide Achievement Night program.  Butler’s Creek members Vicky Faulkner, Susie Henderson and Kathy Mayes were welcomed as visitors.

President Cecelia Dougan called the meeting to order and Jo Ann Fann gave the devotion.  Henderson read the Call to Order.  Roll call was answered with the house door most often used.  Minutes were read by Brenda Joyce and approved.  The treasurer’s report was given by Marie Spence.  Club donations and volunteer hours were recorded. Share Fair ideas were discussed. Faulkner gave a recap of the March 7 countywide program.

Reminders were the County Council on Apr. 5, 10:00 a.m. and Leader Training on Apr. 24, 10:00 a.m. with both being held at the Extension Office. Dougan is scheduled to attend Leadership Retreat on May 21-23 at UT Southern in Pulaski.

Club member demonstrations by Fann were rabbits fashioned out of dish towels and washcloths and a door wreath with embroidered rabbits.

The meeting was adjourned with an Erma Bombeck quote.  The next scheduled meeting will be April 1 at 10:30 a.m. in the Extension Office.

Butler’s Creek FCE

Fourteen members of Butler’s Creek FCE club met at the Extension office on March 11 at 6 p.m.   The meeting was opened by President Vicky Faulkner who read a well-known poem by William Wordsworth, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud.”   Hostesses for the evening were Carol Magnuson and Mary Smotherman.

Susie Henderson gave the devotional reading entitled “Power of Belief. “  The minutes, treasurer’s report and the Sunshine reports were read and approved.

New business:

Vicky Faulkner gave information about CVU hours, (Certified Volunteer Units) and explained what a qualifying volunteer unit was, and how to record them for the individual report which will be turned in this May.   She also gave a reminder about attendance and how to make up missed meetings enabling us to maintain a master club status.

Whitney Danhoff showed a video concerning volunteering with FCE.  The Volunteer Orientation gave information about the history of FCE across the years as it went from being small community clubs to a nationwide organization.  The video gave suggestions of volunteer involvement in many programs and areas of focus in Bedford County.

Upcoming Events:

*The County Council meeting will be held on April 5th at 10:00 at the Extension office.

*April 25 is the next leadership training meeting to be held at 10:00 at the Extension office.

* May 21-23 is the Leadership Retreat to be held at UT Southern in Pulaski.

The Food Waste Prevention Food Drive will continue through April 5.  Nonperishable foods can be brought to the Extension office through that date.  Afterwards, the food will be donated to Good Samaritan in Shelbyville.

The evening’s program was given by Whitney Danhoff who led a wonderful hands on craft demonstration showing members how to create a pop-up card.  The cards made were Valentines, however, by changing the cut out design inside, the cards could be turned into a card for any occasion.


Amy Martin showed a quilted place mat that is one of over 120 that will be donated to Meals on Wheels to add cheer to those who receive daily hot meals.

Cindi Lindsey showed two crocheted Amigurumi princesses (Snow White and Sleeping Beauty) which will be part of her 4 year old granddaughters Christmas gift this year.

Vicky Faulkner closed the meeting with a humorous quote by Erma Bombeck, “Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.”

Four Corners FCE

Four corners met on March 7 at the Extension Office following the county-wide meeting.  Whitney Danhoff presented the program titled “welcome to our home.”

Danhof gave a power point presentation on front porch awareness filled with many examples of how to give our homes a welcoming and inviting appearance.  We also enjoyed delicious refreshments prior to the presentation.

Six members from Four Corners were present for a short meeting.  Reminders for Food Waste Awareness week, Leadership Camp, Achievement program, and County council meeting were given. They were also reminded to start preparing for Share Fair on June 25, with the theme red, white and blue.

Their next meeting will be April 22 at the Extension Office.

Liberty FCE

Judy Smith presided over the meeting, which took place on March 18. Dorris Turrentine read the call to order, “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud.” Betty Renegar gave the devotion. She had the 1991 Inspirational Program for the Tennessee Extension Homemakers and used the devotion for that booklet. Dorris Turrentine had a birthday in March. Plans were made to feed the Farm Bureau.

Achievement Night was March 19 at the Extension Office. Chase Clanton gave the program. Refreshments were served at 6 p.m. and the program began at 6:30. Share Fair is June 25 at the Extension Office. The theme is “red, White, and Blue.” It will begin at 6 p.m. Leader training is April 24 at the Extension Office. Betty Renegar will be the new Vice President.

Club demonstrations included tulips from Bonnye Catron; a boy’s romper from Ann Spencer.

Judy Smith read the adjournment. The next meeting will be April 22.

Wheel FCE

Wheel FCE met on March 14. Members present were Jerry Sue, Peggy, Janet, Tina, and John. The enjoyed a prayer and devotional. They discussed he upcoming Fai Share Program to be held in June. Multiple dishes of delicious food were enjoyed by all. The next meeting will be April 11.