From Staff Reports
The Shelbyville FCE Club met on April 2, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. at Celebration Way with 8 members present, as well as Extension Agent Whitney Danhof.
Vice President Lucile Sorrells called the meeting to order with the poem “Buttercups and Daisies” by Mary Howitt. She then shared the garden hint to plant Shasta daisies in full, direct sunlight in the garden to maximize their bloom throughout the season.
Barbara Dawson led the devotion, based on the Fruits of the Spirit, and with an essay from Max Lucado entitled “Each Day”. She closed with a prayer.
Members responded to the roll call by answering the question “What is one thing that makes you happy?” with family being the majority answer. Secretary Linda Rucker read the minutes from the March meeting. Lucile reported on the club finances of at least $21. The Sunshine Committee had nothing new to report.
Club business included a reminder of Share Fair on June 25. The club decided to make a tied-fabric wreath in the appropriate colors. Pat Bingham is to bring a wreath form to the next meeting, along with appropriate fabric strips to construct the wreath. Linda Rucker is to bring a sample finished wreath for members to follow. Helen Williams will attend Leader Training on April 24 at the Extension Office. CVU’s and Best of the Best Nominations are due June 1.
Member demonstrations were: Helen Williams, a wooden bread board made from an old ironing board; Shirley McGee, an amigurumi bunny and a dyed Easter egg using fabric from a silk tie; and Pat Bingham, a quilted pieced snowman table runner and a large magnolia quilt.
Whitney then presented the educational lesson of the month – The Power of Play. She discussed the benefits of play at all ages and its importance throughout a person’s life. Members next answered screening statements to determine their ‘play personality.’ It was interesting to see the different play areas that club members identified with.
Lucile adjourned the meeting with the quote: “Be like the daisies, little rays of sunshine, bringing warmth and happiness wherever they go.” The next club meeting will be May 7 at 9:30 a.m. at the Extension Office.
The Shelbyville FCE Club met on March 7, 2024, at 3 p.m. at the Extension Office with 9 members present.
President Bonnie Saunders welcomed members to the meeting with a garden hint suggesting growing produce in your garden that you will use in your kitchen.
Bonnie then called the meeting to order. Shirley McGee read the poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by Wordsworth. Pat Bingham led the devotion, based on love, calling on us to share our good fortune. She also shared thoughts of Helen Steiner Rice, urging more love for one another.
Members responded to the roll call by answering the question “Do you mostly use your front door or back door?” with a variety of answers. Secretary Linda Rucker read the minutes from the February meeting, adding the correction of club member Margaret Hix sharing a beautiful lap quilt she had made. Treasurer Babs Chicoine reported on the club finances of $21. The Sunshine Committee had nothing new to report. Club members reported their spending for the month’s project of providing feminine hygiene products for distribution to local schools.
Club business discussed included a reminder of Share Fair on June 25, with a Red, White, and Blue theme. Members were encouraged to bring canned goods to Achievement Night for the Food Waste Prevention Food Drive and were reminded of dates for Leader Training and registration for Leadership Retreat Camp.
Member demonstrations included a darling amigurumi bunny crocheted by Shirley McGee and a fabric chemo beanie constructed by Linda Rucker.
President Bonnie Saunders then adjourned the meeting with a quote from Erma Bombeck: “Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.” The next club meeting will be April 2 at 9:30 a.m. at Celebration Way. After adjournment, members attended the countywide meeting focused on “Welcome to Our Home”.