Shelbyville Garden Club with Martin’s representatives:
Back, left to right, Sarah Insell, Pam Beasley, Tarpley, Babs Chicoine, Janie Burke, Sherrie Moore, Margaret Smith, Suzy Stewart, Helen Garner, Ann Johnson. (Submitted photos)
The Shelbyville Garden Club met recently at Riverbend Country Club enjoying a program brought by representatives from Martin Home & Garden Center in Murfreesboro. Guest speaker was Morgan Tarpley, general manager. She along with her associates presented an informative program on soil preparation: preparing the soil for vegetation and florals. Various products for different types of growing situations and their use were shown. The center hopes to also have available this year insects that eat aphids but cautioned against purchasing them until you notice pests eating your plants.
She reminded the members of the returning locusts this year. There will be two rounds of the interesting insects this summer. These insects will be looking for woody plants, therefore new trees will vulnerable. There are concerns regarding new landscaping and how the locusts will be attacking bushes, trees and shrubs.
President Babs Chicoine presided over the meeting and club member Janie Burke gave the devotional. Horticultural awards for berried stems were blue ribbon to Pam Beasley for cedar berries and red ribbon to Freda Head for foster holly. The “what have you category” winners were blue ribbon to Pam Beasley and red ribbon to Babs Chicoine for their Lenten roses.
The members enjoyed “Dutch” treat luncheon. Next month’s program will be “Garden Tips”.
- Cedar Berries
- Morgan Tarpley and associates from Martin’s
- Morgan & garden club president, Babs Chicoine
- Morgan Tarpley from Martin’s Home & Garden Center
- Lenten Rose